sermon on daniel 3:18

8-12 Just then, some Babylonian fortunetellers stepped up and accused the Jews. But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.” ... Daniel 3:17. "The flute and the dulcimer, the psaltery and the sackbut, the cornet and the harp," were in themselves innocent instruments of delight, and, employed in the service of God, would have filled Shadrach and his companions with hallowed joy; but, prostituted to the purpose of idolatry and sin, their notes were dissonant, and lost to these holy men all their power to please. Let this bible verse print be your reminder God is always good. (4) The exercise of faith includes the trust, or rest of the heart in the grant, both as it is faithful and true, and worthy of all acceptation. 1. II. The Christian has full scope for the exercise of the determined spirit manifested by the Hebrew youths, in a consistent walk with God. -Black & White Theme If it was God's will not to deliver it, so be it! Similar sacrifices of worldly interest to religious principle — of the sense of gratitude to the sense of duty — are frequently demanded of the faithful servants of God; and where religious principle and the sense of duty have a proper hold of the heart, these sacrifices are made without hesitation or reluctance. That forward zeal, which courts opposition and seeks reproach, forms no part of the Christian character; and to step out of the sphere in which Providence has placed him to censure the errors that prevail in the world, or to make an uncalled-for statement of his opinions and feelings, is going beyond the sphere of legitimate duty, and causes his "good to be evil spoken of." He is still the King Most High. TRUTH SHOULD BE MAINTAINED IN THE SPIRIT OF LOVE. It was simply that they felt the importance of the truth for which they witnessed. But if not If our God does not think fit to exert his power, and deliver us, which we are well assured he is able to do; if it is not his will, we are content, we are resigned unto it: be it known unto … This sermon was preached on June 18, 2006. Such are the considerations that enhance the faith and fortitude of these confessors. 4. To do right is to win! The whole Jewish nation entrusted with the oracles of God. It appears to be lofty in its principle. By many in the visibles church unbelief is not held to be an immorality. If our faith changes or bends under any circumstance, even in the face of certain death, we have a preference and not a conviction. Concerning THE GROUND OF FAITH. ; Daniel Chapter 2 through Daniel Chapter 7 are written in SYRIACK or ARAMAIC. No; but it was a noble stand in defence of the rights of conscience — it was a firm resistance of an unjust demand — it was a lofty determination to obey God rather than man. Daniel was a man of God and just like him, we have to draw a line of where we will allow this world to take us. It is quite evident that in this ease it was not exercised in order to gratify some mere impulse of feeling. (2) In the exercise of faith there is a persuasion that the Divine grant is faithful and true. This sermon was preached on 3/18/2007 at Desiring God Community Church in Charlotte, NC. 1. III. They knew that God was "able," and would deliver them out of the king's hand. 2. Shipping Info The witnesses in Babylon saw anal believed in Him as in Christ; and in the furnace had a sensible proof of it. Men who so truly and deeply feared God could not be deficient in yielding every legitimate honour to the king. We cannot conceive anything more sublime than the triumph of the three great witnesses in this chapter. Oh! We deprive ourselves of Almighty help; without which our most earnest efforts will be vain. It is still worth it. Max Smith Daniel 3:18 Memory Verse: Daniel 3:17-18 “If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and He will rescue us from your hand O king. Assured, though these Hebrews were, that deliverance would come; yet, even if it had been otherwise, they would not have altered their line of conduct. But even if He does not, let it be known to you, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the golden statue you have set up. Sermon series Daniel: Courageous Living in Turbulent Times The Last Days According to Daniel Daniel 12 – March 26, 2000. See them confronted by everything most adapted to intimidate and appal human nature. We infer the immorality of unbelief. -a) 5. Daniel 3 Sermon — Sermon outline by Kevin Cauley on Daniel 3 with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and the fiery furnace.. And as Christians have the office imposed upon them, so they are placed in a world which tries that office severely, and opposes great temptations to, and brings an overwhelming influence to bear against, the performance of that duty. They knew that they were upholding the true religion against the false. I would remark that religious decision, as it is illustrated in this history, appears to have the character of uncompromising firmness. b. In the Testimony which is the ground of faith there is an order that ought not to be overlooked, since according to it the exercise of faith is to be regulated. Daniel 3 Sermon; BIBLICAL ILLUSTRATOR. Reason and judgment and conscience were arrayed on the side of principle; while all that worldly wealth could offer, and all that worldly power could indict, were enlisted on the aide of expediency. Daniel 3:18 We ask ourselves what it was which gave these three men the power to withstand the will of this great monarch, this representative of the world and it greatness, to resist passively, but … But even this barbarous mandate did not shake their constancy. I say, their decision, in this matter, was lofty in its principle. And so it is for us, if our hearts are right. We do not know who God is if we are not confident that he is well able to protect us in every emergency. TRUE PRINCIPLES SHOULD BE MAINTAINED AGAINST ALL OPPOSITION. As imposing, and as carnally majestic, great and sublime as ever. Daniel 4 Bible Study: Lessons from a Loon! It is probable that other pleasurable attractions accompanied the powers of music on this memorable occasion; but, of whatever description they were, and whatever passions they addressed, they had no power to suppress or extinguish that fear of God which was the ruling and master sentiment of their souls. In looking at the conduct of these Hebrew confessors, the first circumstance that strikes us is, that THEY DID NOT COURT THIS OPPORTUNITY OF MANIFESTING THEIR ZEAL AND CONSTANCY. He adores that which seems nearest to himself. They saw the fury of the king — they heard his cruel command — but they were unmoved. If it was His will 2. Concerning the exercise of faith. It seems, at first thought, a hard lot; but it has its blessings. Assurance of His existence is an high attainment in the life of faith, and essentially necessary to our worshipping and glorifying Him as God. When I was young, I usually heard Daniel 3 referred to as the story of the three children of Israel in the fiery furnace. That the gratuitous deed, which is the ground of believing, proceeds upon a ransom found, and an atonement made. Read Introduction to Daniel . The scene described in the Book of Daniel is indeed a symbolical one. Circumstances were tremendously against them, but they were the kind of men who did not give way to circumstances. Davies: Daniel 3:19-23: The Saviour in the Fire: H.T. This consideration of the object of faith is not peculiar to the New Testament. Home >> Bible Studies >> Daniel Studies >> Daniel 3 These small group studies of Daniel contain outlines, cross-references, Bible study discussion questions, and applications. Get your church set-up with online giving, sermon streaming, and more in under 24 hours. Featuring a sermon puts it on the front page of the site and is the most effective way to bring this sermon to the attention of thousands including all mobile platforms + newsletter. Call us at 888-634-2038. They would still not worship … Chat With Us, Sign up for our Faithful Friends and get 10% off. This a day that puts to a severe test the fidelity of the heart to Christ. ◄ Daniel 3:18 ► But even if He does not, let it be known to you, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the golden statue you have set up." Yet, we may venture to say, and with certainty, that never, on any occasion, by any one of the humblest servants of God, was this office of witness to the truth executed without a reward. 2. 1. of gold, sixty cubits high and six cubits wide,[ a] and set it up on the plain of Dura in the province of Babylon. Daniel 3:18. Popularity, and power, and place are foremost in his thoughts. Adrian Dieleman. They will not be condemned, unlike those who do not believe, (John 3:18). Here, then, is the lesson which the scene teaches us; that we have laid upon us the duty of witnessing to the truth; and that in order to be able to witness to the truth, we must have an inward perception of the value of the truth to be witnessed to. Our most favourite enjoyments must be viewed with jealousy, and shunned when we see them prostituted to the purpose of iniquity. But these Hebrew captives were superior to the attraction. The men were bound, the furnace was heated, etc. He then summoned the satraps, prefects, governors, advisers, treasurers, judges, magistrates and all the other provincial officials to come to the dedication of the image he had set up. We're here to help you! Daniel 3, 18 Das Buch des Propheten Daniel Kapitel: 3, Vers: 18 Daniel 3, 17 Daniel 3, 19. Some men, who are very good citizens in Jerusalem, lose all their piety as soon as they get down to Babylon. Luther 1984: Und wenn er's nicht tun will, so sollst du dennoch wissen, -a-daß wir deinen Gott nicht ehren und das goldene Bild, das du hast aufrichten lassen, nicht anbeten wollen. It was for these men, by their conduct, to show whether the whole family of man should be publicly led captive by the devil at his will, or whether, by boldly standing forth as witnesses for God, the work of darkness should be arrested, and Satan deprived of his triumph. I. And the answer is obvious. Daniel 3:18 KJ21. They kept their religion as pure and undefiled as captives as ever they did as free citizens. He is still the King Most High. They could die, but they dare not sin. The three witnesses before the king of Babylon rested in his power, and goodness, and sovereignty; "Our God, whom we serve, is able to deliver us." Sermons on Daniel 3:18 Select one: The Blazing Furnace (Daniel 3:1-30) No God Like Yahweh (Daniel 3:1-30) Serving God in the Furnace (Daniel 3:1-30) Aliens and Strangers (Daniel 3:16-18) See all sermons on Daniel That young man is safe, wherever you put him, who has the consecrated courage, the God-like determination, the heroic devotion to principle, that these three young men had. Menge 1949 (V1): … Would ye have an example? 2. THE VALUE OF COMMITMENT. We might still further have enlarged upon the effect of this decision upon the minds of the captive Jews at Babylon. Visit our library of inductive Bible studies for more in depth inductive studies on this and other books of the Bible you can use in your small group. This essay is both a historical and expository treatment of Daniel 3. THERE ARE ABUNDANT ENCOURAGEMENTS FOR US THUS TO MAINTAIN RIGHT PRINCIPLES. The tide of change, of insidious and seductive error, of worldliness and spiritual declension, is rising high and beating fearfully against the old foundations of faith, and spirituality, and a godly life. In the case before us, the confessors were themselves preserved and honoured, and the God whom they served was glorified. (Moses, Elijah, etc.) THE SUPERIORITY OF THESE HEBREW MARTYRS TO THE ALLUREMENT OF PLEASURE merits our next consideration. Doubts disperse, fears flee away, the storm in the conscience calms, and peace and joy spring up in the heart, which pass all understanding. 3. -Instant download high resolution option, Log into My Account I love this passage because I believe it shows where our hearts should be. They violated the king's command … A. 2. Learn more. The object of faith is the Lord "our God." Daniel 3 does not commend a transactional relationship, a manual on how to survive in tough times. Here was, indeed, a triumph of that faith which bears witness to the truth; and, as I have said, this scene is symbolical. Throughout the whole of the conduct of Shadrach and his companions there does not appear the smallest indication of a wish to accommodate matters or to effect a compromise between principle and expediency. I. He alone is still worthy of our worship. The message of the power of the Cross was preached by Paul to a congregation very much … After God delivered these three Jews, the king’s decree guaranteed religious freedom to all the Jews. These three men were faithful followers of God. Every time you move yon touch keys whose sounds will re-echo over all the hills and dales of Kenyon, and peal through all the dark caverns and vaults of hell. We’ll go through Daniel Chapter 3 today verse by verse. Daniel 5 Bible Study: Ichabod - The Writing is on the Wall! Their God is your God. It was so, because it was based upon an intelligent sense of duty. I. Unless we have His own testimony before us, we cannot glorify Him in believing. Are you asleep, while all your conduct is exerting such an influence?". Reference: Daniel 3:18.—J. Nothing is "real" in his sight which cannot be coined into money, and which will not aid him in his ambitious plans. Do we find Christians showing by their lives, and by the objects they pursue here, their belief in eternity, witnessing to the great truth of the Gospel dispensation, that our Lord by His resurrection from the dead brought life and immortality to light? From these discussions, concerning the object, the ground, and the exercise of faith, we infer: 1. They had no answer that would be palatable to imperious arrogance. But you will have no experience more trying, and be placed in no circumstances more difficult, than were the three Judean captives. The pulpit of to-day is assailed by more potent and dangerous influences than if we were in the midst of fiery persecution. None of our operators are available at the moment but we want to hear from you. Was not that a critical season, when, before an assembled universe they were called to combat the confederated power of darkness, and to vindicate the insulted majesty of Jehovah? Let me conclude in the language of a well-known writer: "Of this, Christians, you may rest assured, you cannot stand neutral. True faith includes true knowledge of its Object, the only living and true God. Doubtless they felt the commanding force of that great spectacle, and had feelings and natural weaknesses of men. 1) Daniel 3 follows closely on the heels of Daniel 2, though we have no way of knowing how much time has elapsed between them. Daniel 3:6 says, “And whoever does not fall down and worship shall immediately be cast into a burning fiery furnace.” The command to worship the golden image of God contained a punishment for not obeying it, and Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego knew this. Wish list In maintaining their fidelity, these pious Hebrews RESISTED ALL THE INFLUENCES OF KINDNESS AND FRIENDSHIP. Daniel 3:18. 1. Memory Verse: Daniel 3:17-18 “If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and He will rescue us from your hand O king. Luther 1984: Da wurde Nebukadnezar voll Grimm, und der Ausdruck seines Angesichts veränderte sich gegenüber Schadrach, Meschach und Abed-Nego, und er befahl, man sollte den Ofen siebenmal heißer machen, als man sonst zu tun pflegte. The man of the world bows down before the golden image. It then blessed the rest of the young men under the care of the steward 2. B. It was influence of the visible world which they resisted. 3. They said to King Nebuchadnezzar, “Long live the king! To tell what will become of a man, inquire not so much into his surroundings, but look at the man himself and see how he is made. Was it not noble in these men, under such circumstances, to stand firm by their principles? Their service of God is not mercenary in its motive. But if not, &c.--connected with Daniel 3:18. Chuck Smith :: Sermon Notes for Daniel 3:16-18 ← Back to Chuck Smith's Bio & Resources "THE COMMITMENT THAT WINS" Intro: The setting of the text. Alas, how little of it, comparatively, do we see! let us ever remember that with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego we are called to stand forward before an ungodly world as witnesses for God, and that, as His professing people, our every action has an influence directly or indirectly upon the destiny of the world. Men know the truth, but they will not witness to it. Christian has full scope for the sake of what he can get however! We are told particularly in Scripture that this is one of my favorite stories in the history us. Honour and TRUST your church set-up with online giving, sermon streaming, and reconciliation, we still. 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